Sticks and Stones

Simone glanced at the clock on her phone but didn’t register the time. Her right foot tapped against the floor rapidly and without rhythm. Much to her irritation, the door to the Albert C. Albertson library was locked, preventing her from organizing her papers and taking a few much-needed deep breaths. Instead, she sat — or more accurately half stood, precariously and uncomfortably — on the tall chair with the small table that sat in front of the library entrance. Realizing that she hadn’t actually seen what time it was, Simone looked back at her phone, which she kept gripped in her right hand. The time was 15:02. 

‘So much for showing up 15 minutes early,’ Simone said to no one. The tapping of her right foot picked up pace and her left one joined in, sending out hollow slapping sounds, as if a dozen furious waterfowl marched through the empty halls.

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A Nosebleed

I feel a burning toward the back of my nose. It's an itchy, hot sensation. I unconsciously reach toward the itch, rub my nose and sniff hard. I pause for a second as I feel my nasal cavity fill with warm liquid. I dab my finger at the bottom of my nostril and take a look. A small amount of blood fills the cracks that make up my fingerprint.

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Preface to a Headstone

‘Can you maybe try not to kill us before we get there?’ Mark said. ‘Being late is one thing, being dead another.’

India kept her foot pressed on the gas. ‘I have to speed. I don’t want to miss the “I do’s” just because you had to take a twenty-minute shit and couldn’t decide on a tie.’

Mark chuckled. ‘When you gotta go, you gotta go. Besides, how many weddings have we been to together? You’ve heard one “I do,” you’ve heard ‘em all.’

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They stared up at the neon sign. It made the building glow pink in the darkness. The crunch of snow under their feet and the electric murmur of the neon were the only sounds to be heard. The sign read ‘The Soul’s Catheter.’

The three of them simultaneously looked away from the sign and toward one another.

‘Are we ready?’ asked the physicist.

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vis insita

‘Cheers,’ Hayden said as he pointed his pint of beer toward Jamie. ‘To new adventures.’

They clinked their glasses together. Jamie worried that his sweaty palms mixed with the condensation on the glass would cause his drink to slip from his hands. It didn’t. Jamie and Hayden locked eyes and Hayden smiled. Jamie looked down at the chips and salsa separating them.

‘I’ve never been here before,’ Jamie said to the middle of the table. ‘I like it.’

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The outside of the building is innocuous. Swallowed by the surrounding structures, it seems small and unremarkable. As is so common in cityscapes, there are endless windows that reflect the clouds and smoggy sky. You can’t see inside until your face is pressed to the glass. Considering the banality of its exterior, it is to Lee’s surprise that everything on the inside of the building is so slick, so fresh, so modern. She was expecting it to have the feel of a hospital, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t feel sterile or cold, it doesn’t have any of the typical aesthetic associated with medical facilities.

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